The trailer of the fourth installment of the successful Muni series, Kanchana 3, released today. Written and directed by Raghava Lawrence, the film stars Oviya and Vedhika in the lead. Kovai Sarala, Sreeman and Devadarshini are back after Kanchana 2. The film is a horror-comedy featuring Lawrence as an older, grey-haired man this time.
The trailer begins with the ghost of a woman who meets with an accident and lands at Lawrence’s house. And it would seem like in the previous movies, Lawrence is once again possessed by the ghost in order to avenge the villains. In a long sequence, Lawrence calls for god Kali’s to help him take on the thugs. This is followed by a fight scene in the outdoors, where Lawrence’s dialogues repeat what we see on screen – that it’s not possible to defeat him.
The trailer promises as much action as horror, like the previous films in the series. The actor earlier told Silverscreen that the film was initially planned with a female protagonist, with the main actors retained. He also said the third installment would address a social issue.
Sathyaraj, Soori, Kabir Duhan Singh, Manobala and Yogi Babu are the others in the cast. Debut actor Nikki Tamboli is also part of the movie. The songs for the film are by Amresh Ganesh, and S Thaman is the music director. Vetri and Sarvesh Murari are the cinematographers, Nivetha Joseph is the costume designer.
Kanchana 3 has been in production since 2017, and was shelved when Lawrence moved to work on Motta Shiva Ketta Shiva and Shivalinga. Sun Producers signed on to bankroll the film, with Sun TV acquiring the digital rights.
The film is expected to release on April 19.
Watch the trailer here: