Kangana Ranaut has said that her Queen director Vikas Bahl once approached her with a new film about a gold medallist from Haryana. But, once she began to speak out in support of the survivor who was sexually assaulted by Vicky Bahl, he stopped meeting her.
In a statement, the actor said:
“I didn’t mind losing out on a good script and I never called him either. I was determined to say what I felt was right but the matter was pushed under the carpet and I didn’t hear any updates about the same. It’s amusing after the news of Phantom dissolution, many are finding the courage to attack him.”
Ranaut slammed the people who are only now voicing their support for the victim. News of the sexual assault allegations first came out in 2017, but it was quickly brushed under the carpet, Ranaut added.
“Shame on such a society, go look at yourselves in the mirror bunch of cowards. Attacking powerless men won’t begin a movement. Let’s not be opportunists. Selective outrage will only serve as entertainment, this will just be tabloid gossip and nothing else,” she said.
Ranaut says that she believes the allegations against Bahl, as he used to brag about having casual sex with a new partner every other day, even though he was married at the time.
“(I) Totally believe her, even though Vikas was married back in 2014 when we were filming Queen, he bragged about having casual sex with a new partner every other day. I don’t judge people and their marriages but you can tell when addiction becomes sickness,” Kangana said.
“Every time we met, socially greeted and hugged each other, he’d bury his face in my neck, hold me really tight and breathe in the smell of my hair. It took me great amount of strength and effort to pull myself out of his embrace. He’d say ‘I love how you smell K’. I could tell something is wrong with him”.
Anurag Kashyap has reacted to the sexual assault allegations levelled against his former partner in a statement. He has said that he is deeply sorry for not doing enough at the time the incident was reported to him by the survivor.
The production house founded by Kashyap, Vikas Bahl, Vikramaditya Motwane and Madhu Mantena was dissolved recently.