Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut on Wednesday reacted to her name being brought up in the Thane Call Detail Records (CDR) case, saying proper investigation must be done before making assumptions.
According to reports, Kangana’s name has cropped up in the CDR scam. The actress is said to have messaged actor Hrithik Roshan’s number to lawyer Rizwan Siddiqui, and it is being investigated whether the lawyer had sourced Hrithik’s CDR as well.
In response to this, Kangana said in a statement: “When we respond to a notice, we give all details to the lawyer. To assume that these details were used to violate law and make statements based on that assumption and defame an artiste is super lame on Abhishek Trimukhe’s (IPS officer) part. Proper investigation should be carried out before making assumptions.”
Rizwan Siddiqui was last week arrested for investigations regarding his other celebrity client, actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui who came under the radar of the Thane police for allegedly spying on his wife. According to latest reports, he was released on Wednesday.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui was also called in for probe after he was accused of spying on his wife by providing her call details to the lawyer. However, later it was reported that he was called just as a witness and had no role to play in the whole scam.
Confirming the same, Thane Police commissioner Parambir Singh said, “Nawazuddin Siddiqui has no direct role in the CDR case. He was summoned as a witness and has assured cooperation,” reports ANI.
Jackie Shroff’s wife Ayesha Shroff was also accused of spying on her former business partner, Sahil Khan. Sahil Khan had made some unpleasant comments about Ayesha in an interview, which she denied later.
Ayesha, has now spoken to on the CDR controversy, “Have I gone mad that I would spy on Sahil Khan? How does it matter to me whom he spoke to? Would it have got me my money back which was the bone of contention? So yeah, why would I procure Sahil’s call records. I know nothing about this CDR scam which every alternate person for some strange reason is talking about.”