Kangana Ranaut, who was walking the ramp for Manav Gangwani’s show at India Couture Week on July 24, has said that she would like to have more than one wedding. The 29-year-old actress was showcasing the designer’s latest collection Begum-e-Jannat,
Dressed in a deep-mauve bridal outfit, Kangana spoke to the press about her wedding plans.”I want my big day to be very special. I want to look like a Christmas tree. I want to wear everything I can. I want to wear everybody’s jewellery – my mother’s, my sister’s, my own and I want to look like someone who has made an effort,” Kangana said.
“I don’t mean to say that I want to look like a stupid person. What I mean to say is that I want to dress up. Put mehendi, put lot of jewellery because I want to look very authentic, very Indian. There is no point of choosing pastels or subtle shades. I want to look every bit an Indian bride,” she added.
Kangana also mentioned that she would like designer Manav Gangwani to design her first wedding dress. “I think I definitely feel very special. Me and Manav were discussing about my wedding that for my first wedding wear, he will design for sure,” Kangana told reporters.
Then followed questions about whether she would have more than one wedding. Kangana said, “Why not? If one happens, then I think many more can happen.”
In the past, Kangana hasn’t hesitated to speak honestly and strongly about gender biases in the film industry, her relationships, or her personal life. Her alleged relationship with the then married Hrithik Roshan was the subject of much media speculation at one point. Kangana’s last release was Katti Batti last year. Her next film is Vishal Bharadwaj’s Rangoon, which also stars Shahid Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. The film is expected to release in February 2017.