Kareena Kapoor has reportedly been approached by Omung Kumar, the filmmaker behind the biopics Mary Kom and Sarbjit. The film would be a biopic and if on board, it would mark Kareena’s first.
A source has told DNA India that Kareena has been listening to a few scripts for a while now. “Omung has wanted to work with Kareena for quite some time and he has finally found the right script for her. It’s a biopic and the actress and filmmaker will soon sit for a round of narrations. Then Bebo will take a call on the film,” said the source.
The actress, meanwhile, has been preparing for her next film Veerey Di Wedding. She hadn’t signed any films post her delivery in December last year. She is also likely to be seen in a guest role in her husband, Saif Ali Khan’s next film, Chef.
Omung Kumar, who has been filming for his next – Bhoomi – with Sanjay Dutt, has reportedly signed another project with the actor. The film will be a love story entirely shot in Varanasi and Shimla.