Directed by debutant Rajath Ravishankar, Dev is an action, adventure, romantic-thriller starring Karthi and Rakul Preet Singh in the lead. The film is said to be inspired by the life of Kapil Dev. It will release this Valentine’s Day.
Speaking about the film at a press meet in Chennai, actor Karthi said, “This is a love story, but it isn’t about romance. It is a film that speaks about loving everything around you. Live the moment, love, and do what your heart says, is what Dev is all about.”
“Rajath Ravishankar is really a talented filmmaker and being a first timer, he has exerted an unbelievable amount of work. I keep telling him to continue making movies. Rakul Preet Singh has been a great performer and she has really breathed more life into the character. Every time Harish Jayaraj composed music for Suriya Anna, I wished for an opportunity to work with him. Now I am happy that it’s happening through Dev,” he said about the team.
Speaking about the film, Rakul Preet said, “While working with Karthi in Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru, I used to tell him that I wanted to work on a full-fledged romantic film. That is when he asked me to listen to the script and I loved it. Rajath Ravishankar has crafted a story that is so colourful with both amusing and emotional elements.”
Director Rajath Ravishankar said that the idea of Dev came without much planning, “The inception of Dev happened over a casual chat and I never thought it would be my first project. I just wrote it without any plans as such.”
Produced by S Lakshman of Prince Pictures, music for the film is composed by Harris Jayaraj. Apart from Karthi and Rakul, the film also stars Prakash Raj, Ramya Krishnan, RJ Vignesh, Amrutha and many other prominent actors in pivotal roles. Cinematography is by R. Velraj, and editing by Anthony L. Ruben. The film was shot in Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Himalayas and Ukraine.