Director Karthik Subbaraj, who rose to prominence in Kollywood with superhits like Pizza and Jigarthanda, is all set to judge a Short-film Competition to be conducted by FETNA (Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America).
The federation holds a festival of cultural activities every year for Tamil residents of the USA.
Karthik Subbaraj recently released Bench Talkies, a compilation of six short films, through his production house, Stone Bench Creations. Even though the movie had limited release, he received much appreciation for the effort. Karthik now intends to release the best short-films from FETNA’s festival through Stone Bench.
It must be noted that prior to his entry into films, Karthik Subbaraj gained popularity through the short-films he made for Naalaya Iyakkunar, a reality show that showcases short-films of amateur filmakers.