Kaththi’s Telugu audio will be launched on the 20th of this month. Actor Chiranjeevi will be the chief guest for the event and will help launch the soundtrack. We hear that the entire team is flying to Hyderabad for the occasion and as with the Tamil launch, there will be a lot of celebrity performances as well. Tagore Madhu, who has reportedly secured the Telugu distribution rights for Kaththi, is planning on releasing the movie at the end of this month, a little after its Tamil release date.
Produced by Subhaskaran for Lyca Productions, the film has Vijay in dual roles, with Samantha Ruth Prabhu playing the female lead. Anirudh Ravichander has composed some chart-topping tunes, and AR Murugadoss has directed it. The Tamil release has been scheduled tentatively for the 22nd of this month, on the occasion of Deepavali.