The trailer of Kavacha, a Kannada remake of Mohanlal’s Oppam, tells us little about the story of the film. It’s two-minutes long with three lines of dialogue, followed by a series of ‘symbolic’ shots like the axing of a tree, a car zooming by, a snake hissing, all saying the same thing Shivraj Kumar says out-loud in the beginning – he is a blind man and is being followed by someone.
Two other things happen in the trailer. Shivraj’s character has a father-like relationship with a young girl who comes in the beginning and end. Then there’s a murder followed by a police investigation. Isha Koppikar plays the police officer. Her presence is only to warn us that someone is going to be attacked next. These are like different stories, and we wouldn’t know that there’s a link if we haven’t watched the original Malayalam film Oppam.
In Oppam, Mohanlal’s character is that of a blind caregiver. He is friends with a young girl’s father, and he cares for the girl. But when the father is murdered and Mohanlal is framed for killing him, he has to prove his innocence and must protect the girl from the killer.
Shivraj’s character in the Kavacha trailer seems more doubtful and human. He is not all-knowing, and he is scared, unlike Mohanlal. His presence, especially in the close-ups, is gripping. There are parts that make you think he’s tricking you to believe he is good. He says, and it shows, that we must not under-estimate him. But how much can he do to save a series of random scenes put together as a trailer?
The film is by debut director GVR Vasu. Kruthika Jayakumar and Vasishta N Simha are supporting actors. The trailer does not have much about their roles in the story. Meenakshi who played the young girl in the Malayalam original reprises her role in this film.
Rahul Shrivastav is the cinematographer, and music is by Arjun Janya. Kavacha is scheduled to release at the start of next year.
Watch the trailer here: