Studio Green producer KE Gnanavel Raja, announced last Thursday that he would lodge a complaint against Puthiya Thamizhagam leader K Krishnaswamy to seek compensation for the damage that has been done to their movie Komban.
Raja stated that he underwent financial loss and that his reputation has been spoiled because of Krishnaswamy’s accusation that Komban will trigger communal riots and other religious issues in rural Tamil Nadu. Krishnaswamy had filed a petition against the movie’s release, following which the Komban team arranged a special screening for the Madras High Court judges. The screening was disrupted by Krishnaswamy and his party members.
Later, the judges dismissed the petition saying that Komban does not have any scenes that will trigger violence.
Komban, helmed by director M Muthaiah released last Wednesday and was well received by the critics and the audience. This rural entertainer stars Karthi, Lakshmi Menon and Rajkiran in lead roles.