She has not had a single release in Tamil yet, but Keerthi Suresh might be the busiest actress in town now. The Mollywood actress seems to be on a signing spree with all the biggies in K’Town. Following Rajini Murugan with Sivakarthikeyan, Idhu Enna Maayam with Vikram Prabhu, Paambu Sattai with Bobby Simha and Kavalai Vendam with Jiiva, Keerthi would be playing the lead opposite Dhanush in Prabhu Solomon’s next.
Adding to this list, she has also been signed to play the love interest of Vishal in his next project with director Pandiraj. Sources tell us that the cinematographer of the film, Balasubramaniam, who helmed the camera for Keerthi’s Rajini Murugan, recommended Keerthi’s name for this film. Pandiraj, who happened to see the rushes of Rajini Murugan, was impressed with her performance.
The film also stars Soori and has music composed by ‘HipHop Thamizha’ Aadhi.