Music director Ilaiyaraaja has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award or the Nishagandhi Puraskaram by the Kerala Government. Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy presented the award to the composer at an event organised by Kerala Tourism. The award includes a cash prize of Rs. 1.5 lakhs. The winner was selected by a jury which included the Vice-Chancellor of the Malayalam University and former Chief Secretary K Jayakumar
The event began on January 20 and will go on for 8 days till January 27th. Speaking at the event, Ommen Chandy said, “The Kerala Goverment had promised Ilaiyaraaja a piece of land so he could start his music school. As per that promise, the Kerala Government has allotted 5 acres of land for Ilaiyaraaja’s music school. Presenting this award is a milestone for the entire State.”
Along with Ilaiyaraaja, Surya Krishnamoorthy was given a special award for excellence in the field of Literature. The festival was presided by Chief Minister Ommen Chandy, Kerala Tourism Minister AP Anil Kumar and Chief Secretary Jiji Thomson.