Actor-politician Khushbu Sundar hit out at actor-choreographer Gayathri Raghuram for saying that she was spreading hate by sharing a video of a blind Muslim man being harassed and forced to say ‘Jai Sri Ram’.
Actress and Congress member Khushbu had shared the video by tweeting, “This is just the beginning, yet again.” To this Gayathri, who is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party, tweeted that there was no credibility to the video and asked her to stop sharing videos that “spread hate”.
I will not encourage or believe such videos these are agitators. No one knows who is behind camera to say jai Sri Ram. No one knows the truth. Stop spreading such videos. Please don’t spread hate.
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 25, 2019
Khushbu hit out at her and said she had only remained quiet until now because of the respect she had for Gayathri’s family members, who were associated with the film industry.
She said, “It won’t take me long to respond to this desperate women (with zilch recognition from the saffronised party she belongs to), who has been targeting me… listen woman I respect your late father and your mother and your aunts too much to insult you, so shut up and stay put in your place.”
It won’t take me long to respond to this desperate woman (with zilch recognition from the saffronised party she belongs to), who has been targeting me..listen woman,I respect your late father and your mother n your aunts too much to insult you, so shut up n stay put in ur place..
— KhushbuSundar ❤️❤️❤️ (@khushsundar) June 26, 2019
Gayathri unleashed a series of tweets in response to this, saying she was proud to be saffron and stood by her religion, and defended her party by saying that communalism happened both ways.
She said, “You have no common sense to know the proof of who is behind camera and who is trending hashtags for political benefits. Spreading hate among us. Sad that you’re just another one among the fake poralies and blinded to congress money power. Well guess what, Jai Sri Ram be with you.”
She then mocked Khushbu for the temple that was built for her by her fans, and for wearing the bindi and others religious markers in her films. She later, however, said, “Non-religious people like her were not taught basic principles in life and are turning agitators.”
The tweets started on June 25 and have still been on. Yesterday, Gayathri also tweeted about India’s victory in the cricket match, saying she was bleeding saffron.
U can tag me. I won’t take it to my heart. Im proud to be saffron I stand for my religion whom ur accusing all along. U can’t put me in place when u have u no place. My recognition is not from u atleast so gave me a break. I have a family who gave me recognition. I’m on my own.
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 26, 2019
U have no common sense to know the proof of who is behind camera and who is trending hashtags for political benefits. Spreading hate among us. Sad that ur just another one among the fake poralies and blinded to congress money power. Well guess what Jai Sri Ram be with u.
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 26, 2019
Communal hate is viceversa lynching is happening both sides. @khushsundar here u go apart from the community u support, This is what other communities feel about u. Don’t drag religion.
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 26, 2019
Temple for Khushboo? Oh yeah right women not allowed in mosques right? Hindu people gave temple for this actress. ?Sad she is has been bullying temples Hindu religion all along.
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 26, 2019
I tweeted her yesterday and she makes 10000 retweets after my tweet and search for my tweet to give me recognition or take recognition. Who is dragging who? Sad I’m intolerant when it comes to my family, humanity and my religion. @khushsundar
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 26, 2019
Desperation to tweet one day later shows ur ability what u can provide for congress. Dunno what say cry out loud. @khushsundar
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 27, 2019
It’s bleed saffron now. ??????????????? 11 saffron men ????????????????????????????????
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 26, 2019
Can some one teach her what Particular religion teaches. Hindu Bhagavat Gita Quran and bible teaches same thing #noviolence. Those who do violence in name of religion not taught well. Non religious women like her is not taught any basic principals in life and they r d agitators.
— Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) June 28, 2019
Desperation desperation desperation.. some are not worth discussing even in private, so why do they assume they are discussed in public?? Surely some psychological disorder..wish they get treated soon..
— KhushbuSundar ❤️❤️❤️ (@khushsundar) June 27, 2019
Gayathri Raghuram, daughter of dance masters Raghuram and Girija Raghuram and niece of choreographers Jayanthi, Kala and Brindha, has been working in the Tamil industry since 2002. In 2015, she joined the BJP in Tamil Nadu. Khushbu Sundar has been part of the Congress party since 2014.