Jewellery worth Rs 80 lakh has been stolen from producer-screenwriter-director Kiran Rao’s residence in Bandra. Rao’s father filed a complaint with the Khar police on 24 November stating that a ring and a diamond necklace worth Rs 80 lakh were missing from a cupboard in their apartment on Carter Road. An FIR has been registered based on the complaint, under Section 453 of the Indian Penal Code. Kiran Rao is married to actor Aamir Khan.
Rao has three house helps who are all being questioned. No arrests have been made thus far. According to reports, no one employed by the Rao family has been missing since the incident. Police sources said the last time Rao saw the jewellery was in October.
Kiran Rao started her career as an assistant director in films like Lagaan, Monsoon Wedding and Swades. She married Ammir Khan in 2005. She scripted and directed the film Dhobi Ghat, which was released in January 2011 under Aamir Khan Productions. She is currently writing the script for her next film, which will be set in Kolkata.
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