Telugu actor Nandamuri Balakrishna had previously announced that he will be starring in the biopic of his father, late actor-politician Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao. As per the latest reports, the director of the film, Teja, has now been replaced with Krish Jagarlamudi. He’s currently working on Kangana Ranaut’s Manikarnika.
నన్ను నమ్మి ఇంత బాధ్యత నాకప్పగించిన బాలకృష్ణ గారికి నా కృతజ్ఞతలు. ఇది కేవలం ఒక సినిమా బాధ్యత కాదు.
ప్రపంచంలోని తెలుగువాళ్లందరి అభిమానానికి, ఆత్మాభిమానానికి అద్దంపట్టే బాధ్యత. మనసా వాచా కర్మణా నిర్వర్తిస్తానని మాటిస్తున్నాను. #NTRBiopic— Krish Jagarlamudi (@DirKrish) May 27, 2018
The film was initially supposed to be helmed by Teja, who last directed Nene Raju Nene Mantri with Rana Daggubati. There were rumours that Vidya Balan will be playing an important role and that Rana Daggubati is in talks to play the role of N Chandrababu Naidu in the film, reported by Hindustan Times. The movie is produced by Vishnu Vardhan Induri and Sai Korrapati.
After delivering historical epic #GautamiputraSatakarni, Our #NandamuriBalakrishna garu joins forces with @DirKrish to tell the legendary story of a great human phenomenon, N.T.R #NTRBiopic #NTR
— NBK FILMS (@NBKFilms_) May 27, 2018
NTR had played several Hindu deities in the 1950s, earning the moniker ‘messiah of the masses’. He received three National Film Awards for co-producing Thodu Dongalu (1954) and Seetharama Kalyanam (1960) under National Art Theater, Madras, and directing Varakatnam (1970).
He also founded the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) in 1982 and served three terms as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh between 1983 and 1995. He was known to be an advocate of Andhra Pradesh’s cultural identity.
Incidentally, last year, Ram Gopal Varma had announced his Telugu film Lakshmi’s NTR. RGV had emphasised that instead of making the biopic from the perspective of NTR, he will narrate it from the standpoint of his wife Lakshmi Parvathi.