The rumours about filmmaker K.V Anand and actor Vikram teaming up for a yet-untitled Tamil project are not entirely false, a source said, and added that they have discussed the idea of collaborating soon.
“It’s true that Anand had narrated a script to Vikram and the latter even liked it. However, things haven’t materialised yet as Vikram is busy with other commitments. They haven’t agreed to work on the project yet. Nothing looks concrete yet,” a source close to Anand told IANS.
Anand, known for delivering blockbusters such as Ko, Anegan and Kavan, will be joining hands with Vikram for the first time if the project happens.
Vikram is currently shooting for Tamil spy thriller Dhruva Natchathiram, which is being directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon.
Vikram is also awaiting the release of Tamil actioner Sketch.