The Madras High Court has stayed the release of Vijay Antony’s film Kaali following a petition filed by film distributor William Alexander against the actor-director and his production company, Vijay Antony Film Corporation. According to the latest report, the high court has lifted the stay.
Madras High Court lifts ban on @vijayantony ‘s @astrokiru directed #Kaali . @mrsvijayantony
— Sreedhar Pillai (@sri50) April 11, 2018
According to The Times of India, the complainant said that Antony sold the distribution rights of Annadurai at a higher price even though the film didn’t do well in the box office. As a result, he had to incur a loss. Later, Antony promised to give the distribution rights of Kaali at a lesser price but Alexander alleges that he didn’t keep his end of the promise. He filed the case seeking compensation of Rs 4.73 crores.
The film was slated for a March release but owing to the ongoing theatre strike in Tamil Nadu, it was moved to April.