Actor Mahesh Babu’s Srimanthudu is going strong at the box office, and has collected over Rs. 60 crore in its opening weekend. Taking ahead his fight against piracy, Mahesh, on Tuesday, requested his fans to watch movies only in theatres.
“A movie is an experience to be had in a theatre. Don’t miss it. Enjoy my films on the big screen. I urge all my fans and all the people who love watching movies to help kill piracy,” he wrote on his Twitter page.
A movie is an experience to be had in a theatre Dont miss it .Enjoy my films on the big screen.
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) August 12, 2015
I urge all my fans and all the people who love watching movies to help kill piracy .
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) August 12, 2015
Srimanthudu, which co-stars Shruti Haasan, Jagapathi Babu and Rajendra Prasad, is directed by Koratala Siva, and jointly produced by Mahesh and Mythri Movie Makers.