Malayalam actor Baburaj was stabbed at his resort Whitemist Emerald in Adumali in Kerala’s Idukki district, following a water dispute between him and locals over the draining of a pond at the resort. The Salt and Pepper star was immediately taken to a medical centre in Idukki and from there to Ernakalum Rajagiri Hospital, where he is currently recovering.
According to a report in the Indian Express, the actor (formerly a lawyer) had taken workers with him to clean a pond situated in his resort. The locals, who draw water from the pond regularly, objected as the pond would have to be drained before it could be cleaned. The two groups got into an argument, with the locals fearing that they would face severe water shortage in the summers.
Soon, the argument became heated and one of the locals reportedly stabbed the actor’s chest with a knife. The accused has been identified as Sunny, a native of the Kollar area in Idukki. Some of the others from the group have also been taken into police custody.
Baburaj entered the Malayalam film industry with a series of stellar negative roles before transforming himself into a comic actor. He is best known for his performance in Aashiq Abu’s Salt and Pepper in 2011. He ventured into directing with Suresh Gopi’s Black Dalia and also directed Prithviraj in the 2011 movie Manushyamrugam.
Photo Courtesy: Alchetron