Kavya Madhavan has been interrogated by the Special Investigation Team in connection with the abduction and assault of a Malayalam actress earlier in February. The actress was questioned along with her mother, Shyamala. According to a Manorama report, both denied any knowledge of the abduction plot. Kavya is also said to have maintained that her husband, actor Dileep, one of the main accused in the case, was not involved.
The police investigation has focused on Suni’s (another main accused in the case) allegation that he had dropped a memory card containing details of the actress’ assault at the office of Lakshya, a clothing store run by Kavya Madhavan. The police raided the outlet, but did not find the memory card.
Kavya has also allegedly said that she was once “good friends'” with the assault victim, but that their relationship eventually fell apart. She also said that she did not know Pulsar Suni or any of the other accused in the case.
Kavya’s friend, anchor Rimi Tomy, has also been questioned by the police, reports indicate. The police plan to summon MLA PC George next for questioning.
Meanwhile, a revenue team led by the Paravur Tahsildar has begun re-surveying Dileep’s property in Karumalloor gram panchayat on Thursday, following allegations of encroachment on puramboke (no-man’s) land.
The 2.5 acres of land, registered in Dileep’s name and that of his ex-wife Manju Warrier and located at Kunnukara Karakkathuruthu is categorised as nilam (paddy land) in revenue records. Moreover, it was alleged that the actor had encroached on about half an acre of puramboke land lying adjacent to this plot alongside the Periyar river.
There have also been allegations that a bathing ghat and a 200-metre-long protection wall at a depth of 15 feet along the shores of the river was illegally constructed with government funds as part of work on the Purappillikavu regulator-cum-bridge. Allegedly, sand dredged from the river mouth was used to level the plot in possession of the actor.
The collector has now ordered the tahsildar to conduct a resurvey following allegations that the land was encroached with the support of revenue officials.
Feature Image Courtesy: Manorama Online