When two actresses, Rachana Narayanan Kutty and Honey Rose, approached the Kerala High Court on Friday to support the survivor’s prior demands for a special prosecutor in the Malayalam actress molestation case, their move was swiftly opposed by the survivor herself who declared that she did not require any help from AMMA (Association of Malayalam Movie Artists) or its members.
The petition filed by Rachana Kutty and Honey Rose to support the survivor’s demands for a special prosecutor with over 25 years of legal experience, and a woman judge to hear the case, had come a couple of days before the scheduled meeting between AMMA and three other actresses – Revathy, Parvathy and Padma Priya – who had earlier objected to the reinstatement of actor Dileep in the association.
The survivor, who resigned from AMMA a month ago, clarified through her counsel that she was consulted by the government during the appointment of the current prosecutor, and that there wasn’t any need for a change at the moment. The government sided with the survivor, observing that the current scenario did not warrant for a change of prosecutor.
Meanwhile, AMMA, on Sunday, published a Facebook post denying rumours that its newly-elected president, Mohanlal, is contemplating resignation. The Malayalam daily Mathrubhumi had reported that the members of the association were divided over the stand it had taken following the actress’s molestation in February last year.
While Mohanlal is said to have favoured the survivor, having threatened to resign unless other members followed suit instead of backing actor Dileep, the report said that a certain section of the organisation favoured Dileep and did not want the two members to file a petition to implead in the case.
Earlier, Pulsar Suni, one of the prime accused in the case, had testified that the attack was carried out on the orders of actor Dileep, who is said to have harboured a grudge against the victim. Dileep has since filed a petition demanding a CBI inquiry into the case.