VS Jayakumar, a Kerala-based writer, has accused filmmaker Jeethu Joseph of plagiarising his work. The writer, in a press conference, alleged that Joseph had lifted Jayakumar’s story published in 2011 for Aadhi, starring Pranav Mohanlal.
According to The Times of India, Jayakumar’s story – Ente Weekend Party – was re-published in the book titled Interval, authored by him in 2013. He said that the book was released by Japanese director Ryota Nakano at the International Film Festival of Kerala that year.
“The story was submitted to the festival as part of its event ‘Project Speech’. I believe that Joseph got the story from Chalachitra Academy, the organiser of the festival,” he said.
The writer said he will approach the court to settle this matter.
Meanwhile, the filmmaker denied the allegations and said that he came up with the story when he was in college.
Aadhi stars Pranav, son of Malayalam superstar Mohanlal. The 27-year-old plays an aspiring music director and his role included parkour as part of the action scenes in the film. The film also stars Siddique, Lena, Aditi Ravi, Anusree, Jagapathi Babu, and others.
This film is produced by Antony Perumbavoor for Ashirvad Films.
Read: Silverscreen’s Review of Aadhi
Feature: Onlookers Media