A scene from Mammootty’s upcoming film, The Great Father, has been reportedly leaked online a few days before its March 30 release. According to a Deccan Chronicle report, the one-minute scene was uploaded on a website called Martic. One of the film’s producers, Shaji Nateshan, confirmed the leak.
“When I first received the link of that site, I thought it was just a prank. It was only later that I understood the seriousness of this case. Now our online team has started investigation on this. It is found that this clip was actually shot with mobile after playing it on a monitor [sic],” he said.
Only a month ago, Suriya’s Si:3 fell prey to piracy, as a torrent site threatened to livestream the movie online on the day if its release.
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While the producer of the film – KE Gnanavel Raja – launched into a tirade against TamilRockers, the piracy website, the film was nevertheless livestreamed briefly, and the whole pirated version was found online at the end of the day.
The Great Father, directed by Hanif Adeeni and produced by Prithviraj Sukumaran, Arya, Santhosh Sivan and Shaji Nadesan under the banner of August Cinema, stars Mammootty, Arya, Sneha and Shaam. While it was initially set to release on Christmas, the film – said to focus on a relationship between a father and a daughter – will now hit theatres on March 30.
Pic: The Times of India