Mammootty’s super-hit film Kottayam Kunjachan will soon have a sequel. The actor will reprise the role of Kujachan in this Mithun Manuel Thomas directorial. The film will be bankrolled by Friday Film House.
The first movie, written by Dennis Joseph, was loosely based on the novel by Muttath Varkey and was directed by TS Suresh Babu. The character became one of the iconic roles portrayed by Mammootty. The film deals with the residents of Kottayam, especially the Syrian-Christians and their funny encounters with a free-spirited Kunjachan, who is incidentally a former thug.
Moreover, much to the delight of Midhun Manuel Thomas, now there will be a third film to complete the Aadu trilogy.
At the Aadu 2 100-day celebration, producer-actor Vijay Babu announced the third installment of the series. Mammootty, actor-director Balachandra Menon and actor Jayasurya who is the lead of the trilogy, also unveiled the poster of Aadu 3. The film will release in 2019 in 3D format.
Midhun Manuel Thomas made his directorial debut with Aadu in 2015, but the film was a box office failure, later it became a torrent hit. A sequel to Aadu released in December last year which was a hit.