Director Manikandan, riding high on Kaakka Muttai‘s success, has now completed the shooting of his next film, Kuttrame Dhandanai. Starring Vidharth and theatre artiste Pooja Devariya in lead roles, the film will be a crime drama. In an interview to Times of India, Manikandan stated that Aishwarya Rajesh, Nasser and Rahman will play crucial roles in the film.
Manikandan revealed that the shoot of his second movie was wrapped up in just 31 days. He also added that the film will be vastly different from Kaakka Muttai, and ‘people who compare the two films may complain that Kutramae Dhandanai does not have a social theme’. “I’m confident that once I give them a couple of films that are different from each other, people will get attuned to my sensibility. I have certain ethics as a filmmaker and I want to stay sincere to my craft and to my story,” he said.
It has also been reported that Manikandan’s third film will be a comedy entertainer produced by Madurai Anbu Chezhian of Gopuram Films.