Malayalam actress Manju Warrier is expected to make her Tamil debut, soon. According to a TOI report, the Rani Padmini actress is said to be playing the lead in director Arivazhagan’s next project.
The daily has quoted a source, “After Kuttram 23, the director has been scripting a thriller, which will be a women-centric film. The team had approached Manju and she really liked the script. Looks like she’s most likely to sign the dotted line soon.”
The project is a Malayalam-Tamil bi-lingual and is expected to go on floors in August 2017.
There were reports of Manju playing the lead in director Raman’s next where she would have been seen opposite Arvind Swami. There has been no official confirmation on this project as yet.
Meanwhile, the 38-year-old actress is busy with a couple of projects in Malayalam which includes Mohanlal starrer, Villian and the biopic, Aami.