Actor Shweta Tripathi, of Masaan fame, will be seen in filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s production. Titled Zoo, this feature film will be completely shot on an iPhone 6S. Kashyap is producing the film along with filmmaker Shlok Sharma. The movie’s title, Zoo, is a metaphor for how people stay in their houses putting up fences and walls thinking they are safe inside and free, but are actually caged in their own minds and hearts.
Talking about her role, Shweta said “My character never leaves her house. While we were shooting, there was nobody else who lived in the house. But I chose to stay back and used stay in that penthouse. I am playing the character of a drug addict. She became an addict due to some involvement in an accident that happened in the past. Anurag sir’s concepts are always so approachable, and he keeps pushing us and encouraging us”
The 31 year old actress, who shot to fame with a commercial for Airtel, will soon be seen in a web series called ‘The Trip‘. The series also stars Lisa Haydon as a lead actor. Tripathi plays a character called Ananya, who takes her three girl-friends on a road trip to Thailand for her bachelorette party. How the journey leads to changes in their relationship and self realisation is the plot of this web series.
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