Malayalam actor Mohanlal has acquired the Kerala distribution rights of Rajinikanth’s next film, Kabali. Mohanlal and producer Antony Perumbavoor’s Max Lab Productions have paid an undisclosed amount for the rights. According to sources, the amount is higher than the Rs. 5.6 crores paid for Theri‘s rights.
Antony Perumbavoor announced the news on his Facebook page, and added that the film will release on July 22. Kabali‘s producers have not confirmed the release date as yet.
The Kabali team is also collaborating with corporations like Malaysian airline AirAsia, the e-commerce giant Amazon, and the British confectionery company Cadbury for large scale promotions. AirAsia recently unveiled a specially designed aircraft which carries posters of Kabali. The airlines has also announced a contest where winners can win a 3-days 2-nights trip to Chennai which includes tickets to a premiere screening of Kabali.
Kabali is a gangster film directed by Pa Ranjith. The film stars Rajinikanth, Radhika Apte, and Dhansika. Actors Kalaiarasan, Attakathi Dinesh, Riythvika, Winston Chao, and Rosyam Nor form the supporting cast. Produced by Kalaipuli S Thanu’s V Creations, the film has music composed by Santhosh Narayanan.