Mohanlal and his son Pranav will team up for a film directed by Priyadarshan. The film is titled Marakkar – Arabikkadalinte Simham and is about a 16th Century naval chief, Kunjali Marakkar. The younger version of the role will be essayed by Pranav, while Mohanlal will step in for the older portions.
The announcement was made on the official social media page of the film.
Yes… It really happens…. @impranavlal will make a special appearance in #Marakkar– Arabikadalinte Simham as the young #KunjaliMarakkar…. ?
We all are excited…#Marakkar #Mohanlal #Priyadarshan #PranavMohanlal #AntonyPerumbavoor #AashirvadCinemas #PreProduction— Marakkar Lion Of Arabian Sea (@MarakkarMovie) June 19, 2018
Nagarjuna has been approached for a critical role in the project. Madhoobala and Prabhu are also said to be a part of the cast.
Marakkar is the latest in a long line of big budget epics in the Malayalam industry. From Mohanlal to Prithviraj, the actors in the industry are busy acting in films mounted on a grand scale. It remains to be seen whether such films will prove to be a hit at the box office.