A biopic on legendary actor MR Radha is in the works. The actor’s grandson, Ike, who debuted with horror film Sangili Bungili Kathava Thorae, will be at the helm of this project.
For those who’ve never seen him but never forgotten him – This ones for U ! Unveiling untold stories of my legendary grandfather ‘Nadigavel’ M.R.Radha in a Film which I hope I do justice to as a grandson & more importantly as a fan #MRRadhaTheFilm #Nadigavel #WorkInProgress pic.twitter.com/q6q2yZXBBv
— ike radha (@thenameisike) June 25, 2018
According to an India Today report, the film will attempt to show the lesser known side of MR Radha and will be an attempt at showing the man behind the villainous image.
Ike said that many people had come forward to work in the film after he made the announcement.
“MR Radha was a pioneer and he questioned everyone in the industry and broke all stereotypes. Many told me that they’d want to contribute to the film in some manner,” he added.
The film is in pre-production right now and is set to go on floors soon. Cast and crew details are awaited.
MR Radha was mostly relegated to villainous roles onscreen but his popularity in the sixties was such that he often overshadowed the stars of his films. His first love was the theatre and is said to have performed in over 5000 stage shows.
His most iconic performance was as the callous industrialist in Raththa Kanneer. He is made to repent after contracting leprosy.
Radha’s public image suffered greatly when he shot MG Ramachandran in 1967. He then attempted suicide, but was saved.
As the evidence was overwhelmingly against MR Radha, he was sentenced to seven years in prison. Due to his ill health, the term was reduces to four years three months. Following his release, he died of jaundice at his Tiruchirapalli home in 1979. His death procession was attended by over 2,00,000 of his fans.