Music director Anirudh, who is all set to debut in Bollywood with AR Murugadoss’s Akira, will also be debuting in Tollywood with Trivikram Srinivas’ next project, which features Nithiin and Samantha in the lead. Anirudh was supposed to make his debut with Krishna Vamsi’s Govindhudu Andharivadele, but had to withdraw from the film due to prior commitments. Srinivas’ next project will also have on board cinematographer Nataraj Subramaniam.
The film, which will go on the floors in the third week of September, will be produced by Haarika & Hassine creations banner. The project marks the third consecutive collaboration between Trivikram and Samantha. Anirudh has previously worked on films like VIP 2, Naanum Rowdythaan and Thala 56.