The candidate nomination dates have been set for the Nadigar Sangam elections, which will take place on October 18. Reportedly, nominations have to be filed on October 1, 2 and 3. A reliable source has said that the finalized list of contestants for the actor association elections would be announced on October 8 by Justice E Padmanabhan.
In a press meet held in August, Vishal’s Pandavar Ani team had announced that they would reveal the names of the contestants after filing the nomination. We have learnt that actor Nasser will be contesting for the post of President, while actor Vishal will be battling it out for the secretary post. Currently, Vishal’s team is busy with the election campaign.
Vishal and his team had met Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth, and Nasser claimed that Kamal Haasan has openly declared his support for their team. Actors like Manobala, Vivek and Khushboo have also voiced support for the team.
The current president and secretary, R Sarathkumar and Radha Ravi, are also meeting theatre artists and associations to gather support for them in the elections.