Namrata Shirodkar, wife of superstar Mahesh Babu, will be overseeing the actor’s recently launched production house, G Mahesh Babu Entertainments. Namrata will be looking after the marketing arm of the company. It is said that she has already started working on her husband’s forthcoming release, Srimanthudu. By associating herself with the production company, Namrata says it’s her way of keeping herself busy and doing her bit for the films to be produced under the banner.
For Srimanthudu, Mahesh has reportedly not taken remuneration and instead he will take a cut from the film’s profits. Mahesh is busy dubbing for Srimanthudu, which is currently in its post-production phase. Directed by Koratala Siva, the film features Shruti Haasan, Jagapathi Babu and Rajendra Prasad in important roles. It is slated for release on August 7 worldwide.