Actress Natasha Doshi, who has started shooting for her Telugu debut film, is thrilled to be part of the yet-untitled project starring Nandamuri Balakrishna. Having worked in Malayalam films such as Manthiran and Hide and Seek, Natasha is making inroads into Telugu filmdom with this project.
“I’m thrilled to be part of this amazing team. To be making my debut in a project alongside Ravi Kumar sir, Balakrishna sir and Nayanthara ma’am means a lot. It’s an absolute honour to be part of this project,” Natasha told IANS.
Heaping praise on her director K.S. Ravi Kumar, she said: “With his experience, he can make his assistants get all the work done. But he gets so involved; he doesn’t even rest for a minute when we’re working. There is so much one can learn from him.”
Tipped to be a commercial entertainer, the film marks the third time collaboration of Balakrishna and Nayanthara.
Image: Cinetrooth