Malayalam actor Jayasurya who has surprised his fans and followers in the past with characters like Shaji Pappan in Aadu and its sequel or Sudhi Vaathmeekan in Su..Su…Sudhi Vaathmeekam, has explored his feminine side in director Ranjith Shankar’s Njan Marykutty.
The film which is in its production stages currently has released a teaser which shows a bearded Jayasurya with his ears pierced who looks into the mirror to see his female version. The teaser doesn’t give away any further details.
Ranjith Shankar who is famous for his strong content in movies, always intrigues his audience with a powerful social message. The duo has previously worked in Punyalan Agarbhathis, Su.Su…Sudhi Vaathmeekam, Pretham and finally the sequel to Punyalan Agarbhathis, namely Punyalan Private Limited. Prior to this teaser release, Jayasurya had released a short video on the making of the character.
Right from Prem Nazir’s time, many Malayalam actors have played female roles. Dileep appeared as Mayamohini, in Mayamohini and Unni Mukundan who previously revealed a poster of his new and upcoming movie Chanakya Thanthram where he also appears in a female character.
Watch the teaser here: