While the trailer of Ranbir Kapoor’s Sanju has garnered much love and appreciation from fans and media, Sanjay Dutt’s close friend Salman Khan has a different opinion of the film. According to the actor, no one can play Sanjay Dutt better than Dutt himself.
Interacting with the media during the promotion of Race 3, Salman said: “I was wondering why is someone other than him (Dutt) is playing his part in the film. I think the last 7-8 years of his life in the movie should have been done by himself as no one can do it better than him. I have watched the trailer of Sanju and like always, Rajkumar Hirani has done a good job.”
When asked about the new generation actors and their understanding of the Indian cinema, the actor said that the current generation was not getting the concept right. He said: “I think Tiger (Shroff) is going to get it right this time and Varun (Dhawan) has been getting it right always. He did one off film but that he wanted to do. Also, the film did well and nobody lost anything, so it’s all good. Apart from that, I think everyone else is going slightly off.”
Furthermore, the actor also opined that he was a huge fan of Anil Kapoor and that he was ‘the man’ now. Salman also added that Anil Kapoor would very soon step into Bachchan’s shoes, taking over powerful roles.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan’s Race 3 will hit screens on June 15.