Actress Vijayalakshmi, in an interview with Vikatan, has opined on the #MeToo campaign that has seen several women across professions, including cinema, name predators at work. In a conversation that also touched upon her Bigg Boss stint, and her experience interacting and working with popular stars like Ajith and Vijay, the actress observed that it was alright to take to a medium like Twitter to call out oppressors. “We stand to gain support when we put out something on social media. But the complaints should be rightfully taken to the police as well. Also, abuse happens not just to women, but to men too. If we call out the person who solicits, then those who give in to the solicitor are wrong as well. Both are at fault. I have experienced something similar, but nobody put a knife to my throat and forced me into doing it. The choice lies in our hands,” she said.
Talking about her experience of staying in the Big Boss house, Vijayalakshmi said that she was at home on the sets, and treated everyone likewise. “I came to understand the way the public would celebrate someone they like. I received a lot of appreciation from the audience. I was especially pleased to hear them say I looked like someone from their own family.” The eliminations that had her surprised and shocked in equal measure were that of Sendrayan and Yaashika. “Because they were very honest contestants. While I don’t think that they were intentionally eliminated by Vijay TV, they were sent home because the audience wanted that.”
The actress went on to add that she is receiving many films with women-centric subjects, but is hesitant about taking them up at an early stage of her career. She’s currently a part of a project directed by Venkat Prabhu, and a web-series.