Director Suresh Sangaiah who shot to fame with his debut film Oru Kidayin Karunai Manu announced the title of his next film on Wednesday. The film titled Sathiya Sothanai will see actors Premgi Amaren and Big Boss Tamil fame Reshma Pasupuleti in the lead roles. Super Talkies’ Sameer Bharat Ram is bankrolling the film along with Touchwood Studios.
The poster features the aerial shot of an empty land with a tree in the center and a few tiny bushes. The title on the English poster has the letters T, H, and I from Sathiya and N, A, and I from Sothanai in brown with the rest in green, reading ‘Thinai’ which means ‘millet’ in Tamil. The same works for the letters on the Tamil poster too. The bottom of the poster adds that the film is ‘A Satirical Journey Of Truth’.
Actor Madhavan took to Twitter to release the poster.
Happy to launch the title poster of #OruKidayinKarunaiManu director @sureshsangaiah ‘s next film starring @Premgiamaren and produced by @sameerbr @supertalkies and #Touchwoodstudios #SathiyaSothanai
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) July 22, 2020
Apart from the lead pair, Sathiya Sothanai will also have Zee5 Original Auto Shankar fame Swayam Siddha in an important role. RV Saran is on the camera, Venkat Raajen is on the edit, Raguraam is on the music, and Vasudevan is helming art. Velmurugan will pen lyrics with V Gurunathan on the dialogues.
Suresh’s 2017 dramedy Oru Kidayin Karunai Manu starred Vidharth and Raveena Ravi in the lead roles. It emerged a hit and was critically acclaimed as well. The film is the comical journey of a newly married couple, their family, and a goat, to a family deity’s temple to fulfill a promise .
Read: ‘Oru Kidayin Karunai Manu’ Review: Suresh Sangaiah’s Tale Of A Goat Is A Classic
Also Read: Talking From Experience: Interview With Suresh Sangaiah, Director Of ‘Oru Kidayin Karunai Manu’
Watch the trailer of Oru Kidayin Karunai Manu here: