There had been many speculations regarding Pa Ranjith’s next project after the release of Kabali. At the Telugu audio launch of Kabali, the director confirmed that his next film will be with actor Suriya. This film will be produced by K Gnanavel Raja of Studio Green who produced Ranjith’s Madras starring Karthi.
Suriya is currently working on Singam 3, directed by Hari. The film is in its last leg of the shoot in Malaysia and is expected to release later this year – most likely in Diwali. The film stars Suriya, Anushka Shetty, and Shruti Haasan. Singam 3 is the third part of the Singam franchise. The project with Ranjith, which is touted to be an action-drama, is expected to begin after the completion of Singam 3.