Shooting of director Pa Ranjith’s Kabali is underway, and the latest buzz is that the film might hit the screens sometime in April. An IANS report claims that the Kabali team is keen on releasing the film on the occasion of Tamil New Year. Rajinikanth, who plays an ageing don named Kabaleeshwaran in the film, has scheduled around 100 days for Kabali shoot. The team is planning to wrap up the shoot by January, and two months will be spent on post-production works.
Currently, the Kabali team is shooting some important scenes at Chennai airport. Reportedly, two sets have been erected in the city for shooting purposes. The team had rehearsed for months before the actual shooting commenced.
Kabali’s star cast comprises of Rajinikanth, Radhika Apte, Dhansika, Kishore, Kalaiarasan, Attakathi Dinesh and Rithwicka. Music director Santhosh Narayanan is busy scoring the tunes for the movie.