Pahlaj Nihalani defended his decision to distribute Julie 2 at the film’s trailer launch event recently. He said, “I am not associated with CBFC, so do not ask me anything to do with that. As a filmmaker, I supported the film because it is a real story, it is an adult family entertainer. I have no problem with A certification. But this is not the platform for discussing my past. If you cannot digest the film, I will give you a digestive tablet.”
Nihalani was ousted as the chief of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) over his controversial diktats of suggesting cuts and beeps film after film, just last month. He was replaced by writer and ad man Prasoon Joshi.
Considering that the film tells the journey of a lady who is exploited by the film industry, and is quite lady-oriented in its theme, asked what rating is he expecting from the CBFC and how many cuts, Nihalani said: “I know where the question is coming from… There is no burkha in the film, and people will be able to relate to the story of the film. You haven’t watched the film, so watch it to judge it. Don’t judge a book by its cover.”
Nihalani was reminded of his decision to ban the word ‘intercourse’ in Jab Harry Met Sejal. To which he said:
“That was U/A (unrestricted public exhibition, subject to parental guidance for children below the age of twelve). This is adult. I am no more…. I am not there on CBFC, so don’t question me for CBFC,” he said.