Director Pandiraj’s upcoming film, Pasanga 2 has been postponed to December 24 to coincide with the Christmas and New Year holidays. Starring Suriya, Amala Paul, Bindu Madhavi, Karthik Kumar, Ramadoss, and Vidhya Pradeep, Pasanga 2 was originally scheduled to release on December 4. Reports also suggest that the decision was made in order to have better screen visibility. Actor Atharvaa’s Eetti is also slated to release on December 4, and would likely have had more theatre occupancy than Pasanga 2.
Pasanga 2 is director Pandiraj’s second children’s film after the National Award winning film Pasanga (2009).
Director Sai Gokul Ramnath’s Valeba Raja, featuring the Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaiya cast, has been postponed to December 4 as well. The film faced several delays in the past. Lead actor Sethu tweeted the news,
#valebaraja not releasing tomorrow …
— Sethu (@iamsethuraman) November 26, 2015