Adhiti, who recently debuted with AR Sankarpandi’s Pattadhari, has joined the lead cast of Ameer’s period drama Sandhanadevan. The film stars Arya as the make lead. Speaking to Deccan Chronicle, Adhiti said she wasn’t sure who she was paired with in the film. She said, “After seeing Pattadhari posters, one of Ameer’s associates called me for an audition. Since Ameer sir has the knack of portraying women in a strong light, I was sure that I had to sign this film even if I have limited screen presence. He offered me an important role, but I don’t know whether I am paired opposite Arya or the second hero”
Pattadhari, which released last week, ran into a number of controversies. During the film’s audio launch, Producer Council member T Siva said that the film’s prokmotions were not up to the mark, and that the actors in the film should have been present at the event. During the lead up to the film’s release, lead actor Abi Saravanan criticised the producers and the design team for not showcasing him in the film’s posters. He also said the quality of the posters was bad.
Sandhanadevan is slated to go on floors sometime in December. The film will be shot across Madurai, Theni and nearby villages. Yuvan Shankar Raja, who frequently acts in Ameer’s films, is expected to join the crew soon. Arya is bankrolling the film under his banner, The Show People. Currently, he is wrapping up Kadamban, helmed by Raghavan.
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