Pawan Kalyan’s twitter account may be hacked. According to Indian Express, the actor, who has been active on Twitter since 2015, hadn’t posted anything on his account. Sources close to the actor said that he was unable to access his own account: @PawanKalyan
While initially the actor assumed it may be a technical glitch, he later believed it to be the actions of hackers.
HT quotes a statement from Janasena, the political party started by Pawan. “Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan’s official twitter account has been blocked. We believe it has been hacked. After checking with experts, severe action will be taken.”
The IE story speculates that the ransomware Wannacry could be one reason for the block, or alternatively, that political rivals of Pawan Kalyan may be behind the attack. The official process to take-back control of the account is underway.
Meanwhile, Pawan is currently shooting for his third collaboration with director Trivikram, on an untitled project, and maybe seen on screen with his brother Chiranjeevi, in a new film. However, the actor recently said that he is prepared to quit acting to concentrate on his political career. “I am even prepared to forego acting for the sake of taking up brisk political activity for the Jana Sena.”