PC Sreeram has temporarily deactivated his Twitter account. The cinematographer, who was very active on the micro-blogging website, has chosen to take a break to give undivided attention to the “task” that he is currently handling.
Speaking to Silverscreen.in, Sreeram said that he spent a lot of time on Twitter when he was in Mumbai. “I am back in Chennai now, and I can’t afford to be on Twitter. The kind of work that I have taken up is demanding.”
Last evening, there was an exchange between Sreeram, and Sudhish Kamath – a film critic from The Hindu – on Twitter. Sudhish’s review of Shamitabh seemed to have chagrined Sreeram.
@rameshlaus Last evening, he was posting a series of tweets (see attached) and then he said he is goin away from Twtr pic.twitter.com/uhKJzvYZ1Y
— Ramesh (@rameshlaus) February 9, 2015
@pcsreeram Truly sorry I didn’t like the film. Fully respect your opinion & body of work. My idea of honesty sometimes sucks. Apologies Sir!
— Sudhish Kamath (@SudhishKamath) February 8, 2015
Sreeram however emphasized that negativity on Twitter was not the reason behind him taking a break. He insisted that he would be back on Twitter in about 15 days. “I immensely enjoy voicing my opinions on Twitter. And, my followers have been kind to me. However, I want to refrain from Tweeting for a while.”
The article has been updated based on inputs from Twitter user @rameshlaus.