A PIL was filed in the Delhi High Court against Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif-starrer Bharat on Thursday, seeking a change in the title of the film and one of Salman’s dialogues. The film is scheduled to release on Eid – June 5.
As per various reports, the petitioner Vikas Tyagi said that the movie “distorts the culture and political image of our country.” He moved the court yesterday complaining that the title of the film was against Section 3 of the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, according to which the word ‘bharat’ cannot be used for any professional or commercial purposes.
Further, the petitioner also wanted one of the dialogues removed where Salman Khan compares himself to the country. This could be a reference to his dialogue in the trailer where he says, “My father named me after our country’s name. If we add a surname to this, it will belittle the country’s name and pride.”
“This film is fraught with Salman’s typical flippancy and vulgarity,” the petitioner said, contending that the film will hurt the sentiments of people, according to Wion.
The filmmakers are yet to respond to the PIL. The movie is written and directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, and stars Tabu, Disha Panti, Jackie Shroff, Sonali Kulkarni among others. Varun Dhawan has a cameo. Music is by Vishal-Shekar and cinemtography by Marcin Laskawiec. This is the third collaboration between Salman, Katrina and Ali Zafar, who directed Salman in Sultan and Tiger Zinda Hai, and Katrina in Tiger Zinda Hai and Mere Brother Ki Dulhan.
Promotions for the movie are on in full swing, and Salman was in the news last week for repeatedly cutting off Katrina in an interview to take a dig at Priyanka Chopra, who walked out of Bharat over a year ago. Salman’s fans, who didn’t like the backlash to his comments, backed the actor and said paid media was plotting against him.