Pooja Jhaveri, who debuted in Tollywood with Karthik Varma’s Bham Bholenath this year, will be making her Kollywood debut with Dhanush’s next film, directed by Prabhu Solomon. The film revolves around a train journey with Dhanush playing the role of a pantry worker, while Keerthi Suresh plays a passenger. Pooja Jhaveri is likely to play the second lead in the film. Pooja has worked in Bollywood as an assistant choreographer.
The untitled film has a strong supporting cast including Harish Uthaman, Thambi Ramaiah, Karunakaran, Anandhi, and Kumki Ashwin. Produced by Sathyajyothi Films, the film has on board music director D Imman, cinematographer V Mahendran, and editor Das.