The shoot of Karuppu Raja Vellai Raja, being directed by Prabhu Deva, commenced during the first week of July. But, after 10 days of shooting, work did not proceed further. The film, with music by Harris Jeyaraj, stars Vishal, Karthi and Sayyesha in the lead.
According to a source, “The team had planned to shoot for a month. But, it was cancelled after canning a few scenes for 10 days. They stopped the shoot without any prior announcement. It’s possible there is some misunderstanding between producer Ishari Ganesh and Prabhu Deva, and the shoot will resume soon once it is sorted out.”
Refuting the rumours, producer Ishari Ganesh, says: “We have taken a break after a few days of shoot. Karthi had to join the sets of Dheeran Adhigaram Ondru. Once he returns, we will resume shooting. There is no other problem.”
This film is being jointly produced by Ishari Ganesh and Prabhu Deva. Harris and Prabhu Deva had recently been to London for composing songs. As an actor, Prabhu Deva has Yung Mung Sung and Gulebagavali to complete.