Actor Prakash Raj, who is currently embarking on his #JustAsking campaign in Karnataka that wants people to question the government, recently said that he hasn’t been getting any new offers from the Hindi film industry because he criticises the BJP government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi often.
The actor, who previously worked in a number of Bollywood films, was seen pointing out this issue in a conclave organised by Times Now in Karnataka. “They are not strong enough to make me poor. I have enough money and strength to earn further. They cannot stop me,” he was quoted saying.
The actor was engaged in a panel discussion with BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP Subramanian Swamy. Swamy had criticised Raj on stage saying:”I didn’t say you go to Pakistan, don’t think they will take you as they will not be able to adjust with you.” The actor took to Twitter agreeing that while Swamy was better prepared, he takes this as a learning curve.
LESSON LEARNT @times conclave…Yes ..Yes..Yes…I lost my way in putting forth my concerns against a very prepared..Dr. Subramanian Swamy ..I’m growing ..I will overcome.. such setbacks chisel me.. my resolve to fight for inclusive india got stronger..
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) May 5, 2018
The clash between the actor and central ruling party came about soon after his friend and veteran journalist Gauri Lankesh was shot dead at her residence in September. He had clarified in the past that he was not anti-Hindu but ‘Anti-Modi’ and ‘Anti-Amit Shah.’