Actor Prithviraj Sukumaran, along with wife Supriya, announced the launch of their production company via a Facebook post this morning. The actor wrote that the couple had been making efforts to “realising their dream” over the past one year: “Why did it take one year? Why do we believe this could be the start of something very special for our industry? These are all questions to which you’ll find answers in the next few announcements,” he said.
Prithviraj had earlier teamed up with Shaji Nadesan and cinematographer-director Santhosh Sivan to launch August Cinema back in 2010. Later, Tamil actor Arya too, became a co-partner. August Cinema’s first production had been the 2011 Prithviraj starrer Urumi, directed by Santhosh Sivan, while the latest is the 2017 Mammootty-starrer The Great Father. The production company also has a slew of movies up for release this year including Kunjali Marakkar featuring Mammootty; it would also be distributing Superstar Rajinikanth’s 2.0 in Kerala. As of now, it is unclear whether Prithviraj would still continue to be a part of August Cinemas.
On the acting front, Prithviraj is currently working on the period drama Kaali, Aadujeevitham, based on the Malayalam novel by Benyamin, and My Story, a romantic comedy directed and produced by Roshni Dinaker. His Ranam is expected to release soon.